
Created this icon a while back from a pic of a cool sign I snapped.
It's usable in Windows 8.1 and is sized 256px by 256px.
Don't sell it or put it on pay sites please. Hope you like.
DOWNLOAD HERE: Hong Kong Cafe Icon

Hello again, this is a wallpaper (of some band I don't remember) from years back.

DOWNLOAD HERE: Slice of Life Wallpaper

©Rebecca R. Rodriguez, InkSketch
Please be respectful and do not use anything on this website without permission. All entries are written for personal expression and aesthetic, not to represent any product or company that may be featured.
 Disclaimer: If you, the reader decide to use, purchase or download any of the files (specifically from the Downloads and Sims 2 Recolors pages), products or services featured on this blog, InkSketch will not be held responsible for any misfortune you may incur as a result of using said file, product or service. Files on the Downloads and Sims 2 pages are provided on an as-is basis and have been successfully tested on my own system. Files are made specifically for PCs (I'm running Vista 32bit) unless otherwise noted. This site is in no way, affiliated with EA Games. Images or stills of movies and TV shows are strictly for review and commentary purposes and are copyrighted to their respective studios.